Clean Energy Equity Index (CEEI)

The Clean Energy Equity Index (CEEI) is a composite indicator that assesses the ability and need of various entities (such as countries, provinces, or districts) to transition to clean energy. It takes into account factors such as clean energy potential, available means for a just transition, and the level of urgency for the transition, comprising 14 indicators for which data is disaggregated at the district level. Values close to 1 indicate areas that are relatively better off, with high potential for renewable energy sources, where the population has the means and resources to transition independently to renewable energy, and where environmental pressure (e.g., GHG emissions) is low. The CEEI helps policymakers, development practitioners and other stakeholders to identify priority geographical areas for investment and intervention, ensuring a more equitable and efficient transition to sustainable energy systems. The concept note is available here.

Open Data Commons Attribution License
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
unitless (0-1)
admin 2 - district level